Friday, 30 June 2023

Hard Seltzer - Recipe & Brew Day Guide

Following on from our recently published All About Brewing Hard Seltzer at Home article, here is our hard seltzer recipe and step by step guide for making it.

Wednesday, 28 June 2023

All About Brewing Hard Seltzer at Home


We love beer (obviously), but we also enjoy a bit of variety and having other beverages available on tap - not just for us, but for others to enjoy as an alternative to beer. A popular option is spirit and soda mixtures like bourbon and cola, or our go to option which is Canadian Club and dry ginger ale. There is another option that's become increasingly popular in the past year or two and that is hard seltzer.

Tuesday, 27 June 2023

Lallemand - Lalbrew NovaLager - Yeast Overview


2022 saw the release of LalBrew NovaLager from Lallemand Brewing - a hybrid lager yeast strain offering the benefits of a classic lager yeast without some of the drawbacks generally associated with using them.

Monday, 26 June 2023

Beer Kegging Guide - Spike Brewing Feature Article

We were recently invited by Spike Brewing to submit another article to feature on their website on the hot topic of kegging. Our Beer Keg Guide is an in-depth dive into the world of kegging beer - arguably the best way to package and serve your beer at home. We look at the different types of kegs, what benefits you can expect to reap from kegging compared to bottling, and provide some detailed information on what you'll need to get started with your own kegging setup.