Wednesday 24 June 2020

I-Pete-A - American IPA Recipe

I-Pete-A - Extract IPA Recipe

Date: 20/6/2020
Batch Number: 10
Beer: American IPA
  • 2 x 1.5kg Light Liquid Malt Extract (LME)
  • 200g Light Crystal
  • 100g Wheat Grain
  • 500g Dextrose
  • Magnum (Bittering)
  • Ekuanot (Bittering/Flavour)
  • Mosaic (Flavour/Aroma)
  • Cascade (Flavour/Aroma)
  • Amarillo (Flavour/Aroma)
Yeast: US05
IBU: 59
Expected OG: 1.055
Expected FG: 1.012

Hop Schedule

  • 60min - 12g Magnum - 13.2%AA - 19.01 IBU
  • 30min - 14g Ekuanot - 14.7%AA - 19.01 IBU
  • 15min - 15g Mosaic - 15.5%AA - 13.84 IBU
  • 10min - 15g Cascade - 6%AA - 3.90 IBU
  • 5min - 15g Amarillo - 9%AA - 3.21 IBU
  • Dry Hop (High Krausen - approx 48 hrs into fermentation)
    • 2g Ekuanot (leftover)
    • 18g Amarillo
    • 15g Mosaic
    • 15g Cascade

Notes: This is basically a thrown together recipe using a bunch of leftover hops and grain that I had. My first attempt at a highly bittered IPA - by far the most IBU's I've had in one of my beers. For something different I've tried dry hopping early during high krausen only, so may not have as much fruity front end flavours as previous brews where I've dry hopped after 10 or so days of fermentation (ie. when fermentation is well and truly over)

Boil Details:

Initial Pot Volume: 8L
Steeping Grains: 2.5L
Grain Sparge/Rinse: 1L (I actually forgot to do this, oops)
LME: ~1L
LME Rinse/Sparge: ~1L
Pitched at approx 23-24C. Temp dropped to 18C - raised to approx 19.5C during fermentation

Hydrometer Readings

Actual OG: 1.050 (+4 points for inaccurate hydrometer = ~1.054)

Tasting Notes

A little to bitter for my liking. I think the 30 minute addition was a little pointless and would have been better off being added later to impart less bitterness and more floral and fruity flavours from the hops.

Friday 5 June 2020

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale Recipe

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale Recipe

Date: 31/5/2020
Batch Number: 9
Beer: American Pale Ale
  • 1.5kg Light Liquid Malt Extract (LME)
  • 300g Light Crystal Malt
  • Magnum (bittering)
  • Perle (bittering)
  • Cascade (flavour/aroma)
Yeast: US05
IBU: 39
Batch Size: 20L
Expected OG: 1.049
Expected FG: 1.012

Hop Schedule

  • 60 min - 5g Magnum - 13.2%AA - 8.32 IBU
  • 60 min - 19g Perle - 8.5%AA - 20.35 IBU
  • 15 min - 28g Cascade - 6.0%AA - 10.5 IBU
  • 0 min - 21g Cascade - 6.0%AA
  • Dry Hop - 21g Cascade - 6.0%AA

Notes: Going for the classic american pale ale. Very simple recipe - light malt, crystal grain, and classic cascade flavour hops for that traditional american pale ale taste. Batch size is reduced to 20L to get closer to the recommended OG of 1.052 for this recipe - simply add some more light malt accordingly to adjust to a larger batch size


  1. Put 7L of tap water into kettle/large pot and bring to the boil (put lid on pot to help it heat up faster)
  2. While waiting for the large kettle to boil, add 2.5L of tap water to a smaller pot/saucepan and heat to 71C
  3. While waiting for both pots to come up to temperature, add the 300g light crystal grain into a hop/grain bag
  4. Once the small pot reaches 71C, turn off the heat and steep the light crystal (in grain bag) in it for 30 mins.  You can dunk/move the grain in the pot like a tea-bag to ensure all the grain is wetted
  5. After 20 minutes (10 minute left of steeping), soak the 1.5kg light liquid malt extract in a tub of hot tap water to soften contents
  6. After the 30 mins has elapsed, sparge (rinse) the grains with 1L of hot tap water. Discard the used grain
  7. Remove the large kettle from the heat (regardless of whether or not it has boiled), and add all the liquid from the small pot and also add the 1.5kg light liquid malt extract - stirring whilst adding to help it dissolve
  8. Fill the light liquid malt extract container with hot tap water - leave to stand for a few minutes to dissolve the remaining contents. Add the contents to the large kettle
  9. Return the large kettle to the heat and wait for it to boil (ensure lid is not on the pot/kettle at this point)
  10. Once the large kettle is boiling, start a 60 minute timer and add the 60 min bittering hops (as per hop schedule above)
  11. After 45 minutes (ie. 15 minutes remaining in the boil), add the second set of hops (as per hop schedule above)
  12. Place the second 1.5kg light liquid malt extract into a sink of hot water to help soften contents
  13. After 60 minutes has elapsed (ie. 0 minutes remaining in the boil), remove the kettle from the heat and add the final set of hops (as per hop schedule above)
  14. Add the second 1.5kg light liquid malt extract into the kettle, stirring as you pour to help dissolve
  15. Place kettle in sink of water/ice water to cool (or use other cooling method - eg. immersion chiller) (also put the lid on the kettle)
  16. Once the wort in the large pot has cooled to less than 26 degrees, tip all the contents in the FV and stir to mix. You can use a filter/strainer to filter out the trub/large particles from the boil - I don't do this but you can if you prefer
  17. Top up the FV to 20L with cold tap water - ideal pitching temperature should be 20-24C - stirring constantly to mix and aerate the wort
  18. Pitch yeast
Pitched at 24C - put into fermentation fridge and dropped to 20C

Hydrometer Readings

Actual OG: 1.047

Day 7:

Actual FG:  

Tasting Notes

Friday 10 April 2020

BentSpoke "Barley Griffin" Style Pale Ale Recipe

BentSpoke Barley Griffin Style Pale Ale

Date: 10/4/2020
Batch Number: 8
Beer: Pale Ale
  • 1.5kg Light Liquid Malt Extract (LME)
  • 1.5kg Light Dry Malt Extract (DME)
  • 450g Wheat Grain
  • Ekuanot (bittering & flavour/aroma)
  • Mosaic (flavour/aroma)
Yeast: US05
IBU: 28
Expected OG: 1.048
Expected FG: 1.012

Hop Schedule

  • 60min - 10g Ekuanot - 14.7%AA - 16.11 IBU
  • 10min - 10g Mosaic - 15.5%AA - 6.13 IBU
  • 10min - 10g Ekuanot - 14.7%AA - 5.82 IBU
  • 0min - 10g Mosaic - 15.5%AA
  • 0min - 10g Ekuanot - 14.7%AA
  • Dry Hop - 4 days - 15g Ekuanot - 13%AA
  • Dry Hop - 4 days - 15g Mosaic - 11.5%AA

Notes: The Barley Griffin is one of my favourite beers - got the hops from the Bent Spoke website - hoping to make something even remotely similar to this great beer. My IBU's are higher than what Bentspoke advertise on their website (18 IBU's) but we'll see what happens.


  1. Put 6L of tap water into kettle/large pot and bring to the boil (put lid on pot to help it heat up faster)
  2. While waiting for the large kettle to boil, add 4L of tap water to a smaller pot/saucepan and heat to 71C
  3. While waiting for both pots to come up to temperature, add the 450g wheat into a hop/grain bag
  4. Once the small pot reaches 71C, turn off the heat and steep the wheat hop/grain bag in it for 30 mins.  You can dunk/move the grain in the pot like a tea-bag to ensure all the grain is wetted
  5. After 20 minutes (10 minute left of steeping), soak the 1.5kg light liquid malt extract in a tub of hot tap water to soften contents
  6. After the 30 mins has elapsed, sparge (rinse) the grains with 1L of hot tap water. Discard the used grain
  7. Remove the large kettle from the heat (regardless of whether or not it has boiled), and add all the liquid from the small pot and also add the 1.5kg light liquid malt extract - stirring whilst adding to help it dissolve
  8. Fill the light liquid malt extract container with hot tap water - leave to stand for a few minutes to dissolve the remaining contents. Add the contents to the large kettle
  9. Return the large kettle to the heat and wait for it to boil (ensure lid is not on the pot/kettle at this point)
  10. Once the large kettle is boiling, start a 60 minute timer and add the first bittering hops (as per hop schedule above)
  11. After 50 minutes (ie. 10 minutes remaining in the boil), add the second set of hops (as per hop schedule above)
  12. After 60 minutes has elapsed (ie. 0 minutes remaining in the boil), remove the kettle from the heat and add the final set of hops (as per hop schedule above)
  13. Place kettle in sink of water/ice water to cool (or use other cooling method - eg. immersion chiller)
  14. Whilst waiting for the wort to cool, add 5L of cold tap water to the fermenting vessel (FV)
  15. Add the 1.5kg light dry malt extract to the FV, stirring whilst slowly adding to help it dissolve
  16. Once the wort in the large pot has cooled to less than 26 degrees, tip all the contents in the FV and stir to mix. You can use a filter/strainer to filter out the trub/large particles from the boil - I don't do this but you can if you prefer
  17. Top up the FV to 23L with cold tap water - ideal pitching temperature should be 20-24C - stirring constantly to mix and aerate the wort
  18. Pitch yeast
Pitched at 25C - put into fermentation fridge and dropped to 22C

Hydrometer Readings

Actual OG: 1.043 (+4 points for inaccurate hydrometer = ~1.047)

Day 7: 1.008 (+4 points for inaccurate hydrometer = ~1.012)

Actual FG:  1.008 (+4 points for inaccurate hydrometer = ~1.012)

Tasting Notes

Fermentation Day 7: Tastes good - Ekuanot as a bittering hop has definitely hit the mark. Initial thoughts are that it is more bitter than expected, but will likely balance out, especially after dry hopping

After bottling and letting condition for 7 days I tried the first one and it's definitely a winner. Without a doubt ekuanot is the bittering hop used - my version is perhaps a little more bitter, but also a little more "hoppy" which helps to balance this out. Mosaic is an excellent flavour addition hop and makes an excellent combination with the ekuanot.

I'm hoping to do a side by side comparison with the real deal soon which will help me further fine tune this recipe!


Saturday 4 January 2020

NEIPA Extract Recipe

NEIPA (New England IPA)

Date: 4/1/2020
Batch Number: 7
  • 1 x 1.5kg Light Liquid Malt Extract (LME)
  • 1 x 1.0kg Light Dry Malt Extract (DME)
  • 1 x 0.5kg Wheat Dry Malt Extract (DME)
  • 300g Naked Oats
  • Super Alpha (Bittering) - you can substitute this for any other bittering hop if you prefer
  • Centennial (Whirlpool)
  • Mosaic
  • Simcoe
  • Citra
Yeast: Safale S04
IBU: 23.4
Expected OG: 1.047
Expected FG: 1.012

Hop Schedule

  • 60min - 17g Super Alpha - 11%AA - 20.49IBU
  • 0min (5 min steep) - 27g Centennial - 9%AA - 3.4IBU
  • Dry Hop (High Krausen - approx 48 hrs after fermentation begins) - 10g Citra, 30g Mosaic, 30g Simcoe
  • Dry Hop (3-4 days prior to bottling) - 10g Citra, 30g Mosaic, 30g Simcoe

Notes: Hop schedule is a little unusual - essentially using up the centennial and citra hops I have left over from previous brews, and also using new packets of Mosaic and Simcoe which I've been keen to try.
Not sure I have enough hops to get a true NEIPA but this will certainly be the most amount of hops I've used in a brew before.
Concerned I may have been too light on with the bittering but wasn't sure how this volume of dry hopping would work, and also the significant amount of whirlpool centennial hops added which will likely add some bitterness as well.


  1. Put 7.5L of tap water into kettle/large pot and bring to the boil (put lid on pot to help it heat up faster)
  2. While waiting for the large kettle to boil, add 2.1L of tap water to a smaller pot/saucepan and heat to 71C
  3. While waiting for both pots to boil, add the 300g Naked Oats into a hop/grain bag
  4. Once the small pot reaches 71C, turn off the heat and steep the hop/grain bag in it for 30 mins.  You can dunk/move the grain in the pot like a tea-bag to ensure all the grain is wetted
  5. After 20 minutes (10 minute left of steeping), soak the 1.5kg light liquid malt extract in a tub of hot tap water to soften contents
  6. After the 30 mins has elapsed, sparge (rinse) the grains with 1L of hot tap water. Discard the used grain
  7. Remove the large kettle from the heat (regardless of whether or not it has boiled), and add all the liquid from the small pot and also add the 1.5kg light liquid malt extract - stirring whilst adding to help it dissolve
  8. Fill the light liquid malt extract container with hot tap water - leave to stand for a few minutes to dissolve the remaining contents. Add the contents to the large kettle
  9. Return the large kettle to the heat and wait for it to boil (ensure lid is not on the pot/kettle at this point)
  10. Once the large kettle is boiling, start a 60 minute timer and add the first bittering hops (as per hop schedule below)
  11. After 60 minutes has elapsed (ie. 0 minutes remaining in the boil), remove the kettle from the heat and add the final set of hops (as per hop schedule above)
  12. Place kettle in sink of water/ice water to cool (or use other cooling method - eg. immersion chiller)
  13. Whilst waiting for the wort to cool, add 5L of cold tap water to the fermenting vessel (FV)
  14. Add the light and wheat dry malt extract to the FV and stir to dissolve
  15. Once the wort in the large pot has cooled to less than 26 degrees, tip all the contents in the FV and stir to mix. You can use a filter/strainer to filter out the trub/large particles from the boil - I don't do this but you can if you prefer
  16. Top up the FV to 23L with cold tap water - ideal pitching temperature should be 20-24C - stirring constantly to mix and aerate the wort
  17. Pitch yeast
Pitched at 26C - put into fermentation fridge and dropped to 17.5C
Fermentation underway within 12 hours

Hydrometer Readings

Actual OG: 1.042 (+3 points for inaccurate hydrometer = 1.046)

Day 8: 1.008 (+3 points for inaccurate hydrometer = 1.011)

Actual FG: 

Tasting Notes

  • Tasted on Day 8 of fermentation and it tasted super juicy and great. Wondering if the secondary set of dry hopping is actually required - will do it anyway but I feel it would be great to bottle it as it is
Another top brew - would definitely do this one again! Not as hazy as I would like - potentially need more oats and/or wheat to help increase the haziness