Monday 29 August 2022

Stone & Wood - Pacific Ale - All Grain Clone Recipe

We've had a couple of attempts at making this beer. You can read on below to follow our journey and look at the previous recipes, or alternatively, click the link below to jump to our latest recipe version which is (unofficially) from an ex Stone & Wood brewer.

Check out our "Official Clone" version of this recipe

Every time we have this beer we're reminded of just how good it is - hence why it made The To Brew List as well. It's super easy drinking and highly refreshing, and with the weather warming up a little here it seems like the perfect time to have a crack at making our own version of it.

We're treading a fairly well worn path with brewing this beer - plenty have attempted this one before us, as can be seen from this rather large thread on the Aussiehomebrewer forum where recipes have been formulated, tested and critiqued - at length, and often with little to no follow up on how they've turned out. So after reading through this thread (several times), along with a few others we've been able to all but confirm a few aspects of the recipe based on people suggesting they've spoken to (perhaps former) brewery staff directly. Note that the thread is quite old - it started back in 2010 so the recipe has more than likely changed since then, but let's see how close we can get.

The malt bill is claimed to be a 60/40 split of ale and wheat respectively. The wheat is apparently a mixture of malted and unmalted wheat with the exact split unknown. Unmalted wheat can be flaked or torrefied depending on what you're able to get. We're opting for flaked.

22 IBU.

Yeast is claimed to be US-05.

Hops are exclusively Galaxy.

The Stone & Wood website doesn't give much further information about this beer, other than that it has 4.4% ABV, and confirms it uses barley, wheat and galaxy hops;

"Inspired by our home on the edge of the Pacific Ocean, we brew our golden hazy Pacific Ale with all Australia barley, wheat and Galaxy hops from Tasmania, which give the beer its big tropical fruit aromas and flavours and refreshment. This is what we've long called 'Byron Bay in a bottle'..."

We'll stick with US-05 for the yeast since we're trying to clone this beer. You could mix it up a little though and use an alternative yeast like Lallemand's Verdant IPA to really help promote some more fruity and juicy flavours, and promote the haze factor - though with 40% wheat, haze should definitely not be an issue to create in this beer.

Galaxy hops are known to be a little temperamental as well - they can be somewhat harsh if overused for bittering, and can lead to grassy notes if left to dry hop for too long. For this reason we'll be going for a shorter 30 minute boil, with a small addition at 15 minutes, and another addition at 5 minutes, followed by a larger hop-steep/whirlpool addition to really extract some of the fruity galaxy flavours without imparting too much extra bitterness. Dry hop will be fairly large as well and only left for 2 days before transferring to keg. Here's the full recipe we're going to run with.

Our expected ABV and IBU are marginally higher than the original. Hop additions are very much an educated guess to limit harsh bitterness and extract more of the desirable fruity and floral properties of Galaxy. Other clone recipes have cited dry hop additions of 50-60g were not high enough so we're opting for 80g as a starting point.

Remember to adjust the recipe accordingly for your system based on batch size, malt types and hop AA %'s to get the correct bitterness and other key values.

Update: November 2023 - we have just published our second attempt at this recipe - you can check it out by following the link below.

Check out our "Official Clone" version of this recipe

Batch Volume: 22L 
Boil Time: 30 minutes
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75%

Original Gravity: 1.049
Final Gravity: 1.010
IBU (Tinseth): 24
BU/GU: 0.48
Colour: 7.5 EBC
Expected ABV: 5.3%


Temperature: 65c - 60 minutes
Mash Out: 75c - 10 minutes


2.8 kg - Gladfield American Ale Malt (60%)
1.4kg - Gladfield Wheat Malt (29%)
0.5kg - Torrefied Wheat (11%)


15 mins - Galaxy 7g (7.6 IBU)
5 mins - Galaxy 14g (8 IBU)

Hopstand 15 mins @ 80c - Galaxy 35g (7.8 IBU)

Dry Hop - Galaxy 80g - 2 days


Fermentis SafAle US-05 (1 packet - dry)


20c for 14 days


2.4 CO2-vol

Water Profile (Brewfather's "Hoppy" Water Profile)

Ca2+ (Calcium): 110
Mg2+ (Magnesium): 18
Na+ (Sodium): 17
Cl- (Chloride): 51
SO42- (Sulfate): 265
HCO3- (Bicarbonate): 48

Check out our BrewZilla Brew Day - Stone & Wood Pacific Ale Clone to see how it went.

You can also view our Tasting Results for this brew/recipe which will show you how this brew turned out as well as some adjustments we'd make if we were to make this beer again.

Update 28/6/24

Check out our post below where we may well have stumbled across the official recipe for the Stone & Wood Pacific Ale

Related Articles

Stone & Wood - Pacific Ale - All Grain Clone Recipe (Version 2)

Stone & Wood Pacific Ale Clone - BrewZilla Brew Day

Stone & Wood Pacific Ale Clone - Review & Tasting Results

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