Thursday 14 July 2022

Headspace - American Amber Ale Recipe (All Grain)

Following on from our recently published American Amber Ale - Recipe Creation Guide, here is our go-to American Amber Ale recipe.


Batch Volume: 23L 
Boil Time: 30 minutes
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75%

Original Gravity: 1.052
Final Gravity: 1.011
IBU (Tinseth): 37
BU/GU: 0.72
Colour: 31.5 EBC


Temperature: 67c - 60 minutes
Mash Out: 75c - 10 minutes


4.2kg - Gladfield American Ale Malt (80%) OR 4.2kg Maris Otter Malt
0.4kg - Gladfield Munich Malt (7.5%)
0.4kg - Gladfield Medium Crystal Malt (7.5%)
0.2kg - Gladfield Shepherds Delight Malt (4%)
0.05kg - Gladfield Light Chocolate Malt (1%)


30 mins - Columbus (15 IBU)
10 mins - Columbus (7 IBU)
10 mins - Chinook (7 IBU)

Hopstand 10 mins @ 85c - Columbus (3 IBU)
Hopstand 10 mins @ 85c - Chinook (3 IBU)
Hopstand 10 mins @ 85c - Centennial (2 IBU)


Ferments US-05 (1 pkg) or Lallemand BRY-97


20c for 14 days


2.4 CO2-vol

Water Profile (Brewfather's American Amber Ale Profile)

Ca2+ (Calcium): 100
Mg2+ (Magnesium): 15
Na+ (Sodium): 19
Cl- (Chloride): 75
SO42- (Sulfate): 199
HCO3- (Bicarbonate): 43


We have taken inspiration for this recipe from David Heath's YouTube video (recipe is in the video description). We've made a couple of minor adjustments but wanted to credit David's work as we're big fans of his YouTube video's so check him out!

Our local homebrew store stocks mostly Gladfield malts so we've used the Gladfield equivalents. Check out this substitute chart/table for more info.

Yeast is the stock standard go-to yeast of US-05 but this can of course be substituted out for any number of alternatives. We really wanted a simple neutral flavoured yeast to really let the malt and hops do their thing.

All the other vitals are within the recommended ranges of the BJCP guidelines as outlined in our recipe creation guide.

Want to see how it turned out? Check out our American Amber Ale Brew Day post and our Tasting Results and Review post.

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