Friday 10 December 2021

Hop Nation Brewing Co - St Nick's Nightcap - German Hoppy Lager - Beer Review

Review Date: 9/12/2021
Brewery Name: Hop Nation Brewing Co (Footscray, Victoria, Australia)
Beer Name: St Nick's Nightcap (German Hoppy Lager)

Beer number 9 of our Beer Cartel Advent Calendar for 2021

Check out our full run down and review of the 2021 Beer Cartel Christmas Beer Advent Calendar

"When the legends at Beer Cartel got in touch for this year's advent calendar and requested something similar to our traditional German Pilsner Rattenhund, we thought why not make a version with all NZ ingredients, as well as a late dry hop addition to add a modern twist.

Firstly, we sourced all base and specialty malts from New Zealand Maltster - Gladfield. To keep the ingredients all aligned as possible we opted for Gladfield's own versions of the German specialty malts used in Rattenhund & in terms of actually processing the malt, we maintained the same decoction mash schedule, ensuring enough structure in the body of the beer to carry the more citrus and fruit forward characteristics of New Zealand grown varietals of the German grown ancestors used in Rattenhund.

As with Rattenhund, St Nick's received extended lagering to naturally reduce any harsh compounds and brought the citrus and stone fruit characters derived from the kiwi hops to the fore. Don't be misled by the name, this is no typical nightcap... but if anyone knows how to choose the perfect late night beverage its ol' St Nick, take his word for it & enjoy!"

Hop Nation Brewing Co - St Nick's Nightcap Can


Alcohol By Volume (ABV): 4.8% (Standard)

Label/Design: 6/10

Serving Style: Can

Region of Origin: Pacific (Australia, New Zealand)

Style Family: Pale Lager

Malts/Adjuncts: Unknown

Hops: Unknown

IBU's: Unknown


Colour: Straw


Brilliant Clear Slight Haze Hazy

Collar of Foam & Head Retention


(Up to 15 secs)

(15 - 60 secs) 

(more than 60 secs)

Foam Texture

N/A Thin Fluffy Mousse-Like

Carbonation (Visible)

None Slow Medium Fast-Rising Bubbles

Alcohol Aroma

Not Detectable Mild Noticeable Strong Harsh

Aroma & Flavour

Esters Aroma: None
Phenols: None

Alcohol Taste:

Not Detectable Mild Noticeable Strong Harsh

Hop Pungency:

Mild Moderate Strong Extreme

Hop Bitterness:

Restrained Moderate Aggressive Harsh

Malt Sweetness:

Low Medium High Cloying


Low Medium High


Light Bodied
Medium Bodied
(Light + Full)
Full Bodied
(Round, Rich & Creamy)

Palate Carbonation: 

Low Medium High


(Up to 15 seconds)
(15 to 60 seconds)
(More than 60 seconds)

Oxidative/Aged Qualities: None


Hop Nation Brewing Co - St Nick's Nightcap in the Craftd Freddy glass

Drinkability: 8/10

Overall Impression: 7/10


A light and refreshing lager. Not particularly hoppy, but seems well balanced given the clean and relatively subtle and neutral flavors. Hops give only slight notes of stone fruit and we picked up some earthy/piney notes as well. Bitterness is quite subdued and makes for an easy drinking and thirst quenching hoppy lager.

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